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Língua de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Hebraico בריצת 8 עם ליאורי
בריצת 8 עם ליאורי

Traduções concluídas
Inglês In the 8-km run with Liori
Turco Liori'yle 8 km'lik koÅŸuda.
Língua de origem
Hebraico השקעת החברה בהון המניות של חברה מוחזקת הוצגה...
השקעת החברה בהון המניות של חברה מוחזקת הוצגה בדוחות כספיים אלו על בסיס העלות ההיסטורית ואינה כוללת את חלקה של החברה בתוצאות פעולותיה של החברה המוחזקת , כאמור בגילויי דעת של לשכת רואי חשבון בישראל .

Traduções concluídas
Inglês The Company's investment in...
Língua de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Inglês Jury members - Religious aspects In...
Jury members - Religious aspects

In State v. Fuller, No. 54,075, the New Jersey Supreme Court will have the
opportunity to decide whether the principle of Batson v. Kentucky, 476 U.S. 79
(1986), and its New Jersey corollary, State v. Gilmore, 103 N.J. 508 (1986),
extends to peremptory challenges exercised against a potential juror on
account of perceived affinity for religion. Fuller was prosecuted for using a
child's water gun to conduct a robbery of a Chinese takeout restaurant.
אין הערות

Traduções concluídas
Hebraico חבר מושבעים - היבטים דתיים
Língua de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Hebraico הת"ש בדרך לסיומו
הת"ש בדרך לסיומו

Traduções concluídas
Inglês The 'tash' is nearly over
Dinamarquês Militærtjenestens privilegirer er næsten afviklet
Sueco Militärtjänstens privilegier är nästan avvecklade.
Língua de origem
Hebraico - המוות הופך את כולנו למלאכים ומעניק לכולנו...
- המוות הופך את כולנו למלאכים

- ומעניק לכולנו כנפיים מקום בו קודם היו לנו כתפיים חלקות כטפריו של עורב.
oversettes til amerikansk

Traduções concluídas
Inglês - Death makes angels of us all and gives us...
Língua de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Hebraico אלוהים לימד אותי הרבה. אני מודה לזה. הברכות
אלוהים לימד אותי הרבה. אני מודה לזה. הברכות הנפלאות הזאת נשפכו עלי. אני מתחיל להיות בעל ודאות שבן האדם הנכון הופיע. גיוואנה, אתה לא ייאמן. כל יום יש לי יותר ודאות ממך בן האדם שאלוהים בחר בבשבילי. תודה על להפוך את ההיסטוריה שלי. רק אלוהים יודע מה שהצטרך באמת. אני לא ידעתי מה לחכות מן אישה לדעת שאתה, הנסיכה שלי. אני מתאהב עמך יותר כל יום. אני חושב שאני לומד לאהוב אותך. הכל בידיים

Traduções concluídas
Inglês God has taught me much.
Língua de origem
Hebraico אנחנו מאבדים הכל,
אנחנו מאבדים הכל, חוץ ממה שאנחנו נושאים בתוכנו
thanks !!!

Traduções concluídas
Inglês We lose everything...
Latim Omnia perdidimus
Língua de origem
Inglês Dust thou art, to dust returnest.
Dust thou art, to dust returnest.
This sentence is Genesis 3:14 of Bible.

Traduções concluídas
Hebraico כי עפר אתה...
10Língua de origem10
Inglês A WET FLAM Delved in to the sea, the one who...
Delved in to the sea, the one who brewed in the tavern
Is not different from the one who entranced in the alter
In brief,there isn't anybody who isn't wet,
Everybody is asleep, but the one who knows everything.
to god...

Traduções concluídas
Hebraico להבה רטובה
Língua persa یک فریب خیس
Língua de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Inglês Prescribing decisions are of particular interest...
Prescribing decisions are of particular interest when considering communication in the consultation.

Traduções concluídas
Hebraico ההחלטות לגבי התרופות שנרשמו...
Língua de origem
Inglês hello I am 15 years old. I live in...
Hello I am 15 years old. I live in England in Manchester on seventeen Bentley road. I was born in London and when I was seven I moved to Manchester. I have five brothers and three sisters. two of my brothers are married and they live in Israel. I have three nieces. I play many sports. my favourite is football. I play football all day.on sunday I will be going to the football pitch to play football with my friends.
I am a male
<edit> " i " with " I " </edit>...This is a recurrent mistake many people still do when typing an English text. " i " doesn't make sense in English (even if many people understand, it is not the correct way it reads in English. 1st person singular pronoun has to be writen or typed with a cap " i ", which is " I "...(05/09/francky)

Traduções concluídas
Hebraico שלום, אני בן 15. אני גר ב...
Língua de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Inglês the kender
Kender are a race unique to Krynn. An endearing yet infuriating race, kender
can be found everywhere in Ansalon due to their wanderlust and curiosity. As
the human proverb goes, "Where a rat can go, two kender will be."
Personality: Kender are best known for their insatiable curiosity, their often
casual attitude toward personal possessions, and their ability to taunt other
מאמר זה נכתב על יצור בדיוני שנקרא "קנדר".
יכול להיות שיהיו תקלות הטקסט אז אפשרי לדלג.

Traduções concluídas
Hebraico הקנדרים הם גזע ייחודי לקרין
Língua de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Inglês 49. The availability of postnuptial agreements...
49. The availability of postnuptial agreements will benefit both spouses. Husbands are unlikely to be able to bluff their way into a better marital contract. Wives will probably have sufficiently accurate information and be sufficiently risk seeking to call the bluff. When a husband's divorce threat is credible, a wife will either have to bargain with him or

Traduções concluídas
Hebraico 49. זמינותם של הסכמי שלאחר-נישואין...
14Língua de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".14
Inglês " - We were not happy and we were not sad because...
" - We were not happy and we were not sad because of the draw. The
Israelian league is not well known here, so we are not sure what Beitar
is capable of. we know this is the reach club, and they have 6 national
team players, but we don't know these names. It seems both clubs have
the same ambitions, so nobocy will make any panic because we play
Beitar, and they also because they were drawn with Wisla.
אני חייבת דחוף

Traduções concluídas
Hebraico ההגרלה לא גרמה כאן שמחה וגם לא עצב.
Língua de origem
Inglês The Eurobasket Summer League (ESL) in Las Vegas
The Eurobasket Summer League (ESL) in Las Vegas on Thursday evening was the highlight of our summer events program. There were over fifty (50) international coaches on hand to scout the talented players that were assembled by Eurobasket. We received a lot of positive feedback from

Traduções concluídas
Hebraico ליגת הקיץ של היורוסל (ESL)
Língua de origem
Hebraico שמי אורלי בתפקידי האחרון הייתי מנהלת כנסים...
שמי אורלי בתפקידי האחרון הייתי מנהלת כנסים ואירועים עבור מפעלים ואירגונים שונים , במסגרת תפקידי הייתי אחראית על קשר עם מנהלי משאבי אנוש, הגשת הצעות מחיר ומעקב, עבודה עם ספקים שונים,ותפעול האירוע לשביעות רצונו של הלקוח.
לצורך ראיון עבודה באנגלית,זה חלק מתיאור תפקיד, אני צריכה דקדוק מדויק. אנגלית אמריקאית

Traduções concluídas
Inglês My name is Orly. My last position was...
Língua de origem
Inglês "God is my judge"
"God is my judge"
Please Write it in hebrew.It is a masculin word for Daniel(God is my jugde).Write if there other meanings etc.

Traduções concluídas
Português Br Deus é o meu juiz
Hebraico אלוהים הוא השופט שלי
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